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Turn Winter Blues into Winter Happiness 

Get ready this Winter for an amazing Spring as the healthier and happier YOU.

While some people absolutely adore this time of year, cozying up in front of a fireplace with a hot cup of chocolate and a good book or binging on Netflix, for others Winter does anything but make them feel warm and fuzzy. 


Increasingly, the colder, often darker and shorter days bring on dark moods, even in those that are not normally prone to depression or anxiety.


Mental health is generally at a crisis point, not surprisingly dealing with Covid, fires, floods, economic & ecological pressures, war in Europe, and all the uncertainty and fear that comes with the 24/7 bombardment of mainly bad news we are exposed to.


Winter, can exacerbate feelings of doom and gloom, of feeling hopeless and feeling stuck.  We often lack energy and motivation, and also physical challenges can feel worse and harder to cope with. 

Be empowered


Self-love and self-care is vitally important all year round, but no more than in Winter. If you want to feel in control of your life, you need to be in control of your mind first and foremost.  You can stop the monkey chatter and critical thoughts, negative behaviours and habit.  I can help you to smash the through the pain, banish it and code in a new paradigm to let you be a master-coper and to stand in your power. 


Let me help you feel empowered and equipped to find inner strength and healing. The darkness most often bubbles up from the past.  Face your demons and fears, even those buried in your subconscious, let them go, find relief, freedom and happiness again, as the best version YOU.  


Let go of yesterday, let go of pain.  Thrive in the NOW

Feel excited about your future


Winter Wellness Special Offers 

 Option 1: EMPOWERED YOU Healing for Mind Body & Soul: 20% discount

Includes Pre Session Q&A,  3 hour RTT/Hypnosis Session Face to Face or Zoom Session, Bespoke Audio, post Session Support/Check-Ins via text, email. WhatsApp or phone call, post Session 21 Day Progress Review via phone, Zoom Meeting or Face to Face, as preferred.


 Option 2: EMPOWERED YOU for Mind Body & Soul plus FREE Bonus

Relaxation & Inner Child Upgrade Session valued at $300


As per Option 1, plus a free 2 hour Relaxation &  Inner Child Upgrade Session.


Option 3 EMPOWERED YOU Plus for Mind Body & Soul:  20% discount plus FREE Bonus*

*Relaxation & Inner Child Upgrade Bonus Session valued at $300


As per option  2, plus a total of 3 hours of additional coaching/mentoring support , or option to have a 2nd session if required for existing issue, session for a related secondary issue, or separate issue altogether.  You may also gift the additional session to a loved one, provided your written authorisation has been submitted



Sign up to receive your special rate for bookings made by 31st August 2022.

Use the form to submit your details and I will contact you to arrange your FREE 30 minute Discovery Call/Initial Consultation.


Should you decide to make a booking by 31st August 2022, you will eligible to receive the Winter Special Rates


Uptake of Special Offer by 31/08/2022 are valid for sessions taken by 31 March 2023, pending availability.

RTT is an internationally acclaimed and multi-award-winning therapy, proven to provide effective solutions for a wide range of presenting physical, psychological and emotional issues.


Your Health &

Personal Development


Removing Blockages

Anxiety | Depression

Stress | Insomnia


Confidence & Self Esteem

Women's Health

Weight Management

Pain Management

Immune System Boosting

Covid-19 Anxiety Support

ADHD & PTSD Relief

Trauma Support

Cancer Support

and much more


Face to Face and Online Sessions available

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