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of being TIRED?

Photos by Ron Lach  and by Andres by Andres Ayrton from  Pexels

Does your monkey-mind keep you from falling asleep?
Do you go to bed and feel anxious about being able to fall or stay asleep?
Do you wake up and can't get back to sleep?
Do you constantly feel tired; irritable, exhausted?
Is not sleeping properly ruining your quality of life? 
Are you feeling depressed, without hope, because you've tried everything?


If not sleeping properly is affecting your family life, your work life, your social life, your relationships & sex life, know that you can change that starting today.

Feet hanging out of bed of person trying to sleep

I was just like you, and the over 60% of Australians who suffer from some kind of sleeping disorder.  


The alarm would go off and, if lucky, I had an hour or two of sleep. My first thought would be "How am I going to get through the day?" I'd drag myself out of bed and somehow went through the motions of getting ready. Going for a walk or exercising before work?  You must be kidding!"

Somehow, I would muster up enough energy to get through most of the day, before I'd start fading, and fading fast by mid-afternoon.  It often took all my focus and concentration to keep my eyes open.


Driving home one evening, I got a real wake-up call (no pun intended), when I felt myself coming out of a micro-sleep. I was very lucky and absolutely mortified about what could have happened, and not just to me! 

Woman who has fallen asleep working at her desk
Collapsed, exhausted woman on a gym machine

Committing to exercise, cooking a healthy home-cooked meal, spending quality time with my husband and friends, motivating myself to call my family overseas and to do home and garden chores ... it all became a struggle. 


And trying to get romantically excited ... who the $%@# has energy for that?  


I seriously started to envy and resent my cat! 

I had tried everything over the years

From counting sheep, sleep-teas, melatonin, light therapy, meditation and relaxation techniques, acupuncture, aromatherapy, magnesium, valerian, and sometimes, just before going insane, I would take a prescription sleeping pill.  I abhor taking drugs of any kind, as much as drinking warm milk and honey, which I can't stomach either.  Melatonin helped for a while.  And as much as I subscribe to meditating, back then, with my monkey-mind going 100 miles an hour, it was a losing battle.

and then


Magic, in the form of RTT

During a practical class while studying to become a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, a fellow student treated me for the Insomnia (never say "my" - you don't want to own it!). Due to time constraints, it wasn't even a full session with regression. He used Cell Command Therapy & Healing Vortex, two of our powerful tools in our RTT Toolkit. 


Long story short, since that day I have slept like a baby - or, rather like my cat.  I now sleep anywhere, any time I want to. Unlike my cat, I have amazing energy.  To say RTT changed my life is an understatement.  The sleep issues I suffered for so long were absolutely debilitating.  I didn't realise just how much the lack of sleep had robbed me of my life until I started sleeping normally. 

Now, I wake up, and the first thing I do is practice gratitude, and giving thanks for a wonderful night's sleep is first on my list.


Now, nothing gives me more pleasure than helping my clients find blissful sleep, rapidly and permanently!


While I treat clients for many conditions, I was recently reminded of my own transformation from someone with a debilitating sleeping disorder to a phenomenal sleeper.


A client came to me as a last resort, after suffering chronic insomnia for over 12 years.


I have suffered with insomnia for 12+ years & during this time have tried many remedies but with no success.

I decided to try RTT with Maike as a last resort but, had to admit to being skeptical & didn’t believe that I would easily go into hypnosis - how wrong I was!! The therapy was so effective in helping me uncover issues that I wasn’t aware had been playing on my mind so heavily over the years, preventing me from sleeping.


After one session, I slept better than I have for many years. Unfortunately, 3 days later I broke my ankle so sleep has been a little uncomfortable since then, however, despite this I am still sleeping better than before I had RTT, I feel rested each morning (instead of strung-out) & an added bonus is that I have lost weight & my menopausal symptoms have significantly improved.


Absolutely thrilled with the results so far.

Tina Burnham

Narrawallee, NSW

More Reviews



This client transformation prompted me 






to Gift 10 people the Gift of Sleep


Insomnia Freedom for just $395 (normally $450)


Generally, it only takes one session (up to 3 hours), but if for some reason you need or want another session, either to use as further support for sleep related issues, such as anxiety or stress, or use to address another issue altogether, you can opt for my special package


Insomnia Freedom Plus -  2 Sessions (6 hours) for just $595 (over 34% discount)


Session availability is genuinely limited, so you may wish to hurry to


Book your FREE 30 minute DISCOVERY CALL

Let's get to know one another a little.

Find out how RTT works, the process, if it's right for you and let me answer your questions. 

Decide to proceed and I'll confirm your special rate


INSOMNIA FREEDOM $395(normally $450)

INSOMINA FREEDOM PLUS $595 (normally  $900)


With every FREE Discover Call booking receive a FREE Self-Hypnosis Success & Abundance Audio

Easily & effortlessly remove self-sabotaging money & success blocks



Thanks for submitting!

We'll be in contact asap.

Need help with other issues?  Then take advantage of EMPOWERED YOU Session Packages

 Healing for Mind, Body & Soul Offer


Terms & Conditions:   

Insomia Offer valid for first 10 people to book an Insomnia Freedom or Insomnia Freedom Plus Session in 2024.

Offer is available as a Gift Voucher.

Offer is based on one or 2x three hour Sessions .

Payment terms will be discussed during the Discovery Call/Initial Consultation.   

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