Cansurvive & Mindpower Transformations proudly present
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und motivieren, das heutige SIE in eine bessere Version Ihrer selbst zu verwandeln.
Der BUTTERLY EFFECT zeigt Ihnen nicht nur wie, sondern auch warum.
Sie müssen sich nicht einmal um das WIE kümmern.
Wenn Sie Ihr WARUM verstehen, werden Sie erstaunt sein, wie das WIE erscheint.
Wir werden untersuchen, wie der Geist funktioniert, Sie werden die phänomenale Kraft Ihres Geistes entdecken und feststellen, dass es wirklich eine Körper-Geist-Verbindung gibt, die für oder gegen Sie arbeiten kann.
Die Inhalte, die wir teilen, sind handverlesen und bieten außergewöhnliche Einblicke, Tools sowie einfache Aktivitäten und Übungen, die Sie verwandeln, wenn sie befolgt und implementiert werden.
Ein wenig Mühe von Ihrer Seite wird erforderlich sein, aber glauben Sie mir, wird die Belohnung wert sein.
Sehen Sie es als Teil Ihres Self-Care-Plans.
Wenn Ihnen diese kleine Übung gefällt, abonnieren Sie den Newsletter "The BUTTERLY EFFECT", um weitere großartige Inhalte, Tools und lebensverbessernde Aktivitäten zu erhalten.
Heart - Brain Coherence
One of Gregg Braden's most powerful and truly life changing videos. I use this technique to help my clients relax and move their awareness of their outer world to their inner world, before beginning our RTT/Hypnotherapy sessions together. It's become part of my Toolkit.
This 'tool' I share with every single one of my clients as an important "technique" to better cope in life and boost their wellbeing. Gregg Braden's research and teachings aligns perfectly with the principles of Rapid Transformational Therapy and my personal interest in neuroscience discoveries.
As this video contains mediation segment, please do not watch/listen whilst driving, operating heavy machinery and or undertaking any physical activities which may cause harm.
Special Thanks to Gregg Braden/Wisdom Traditions and HeartMath Institute - https://www.heartmath.org/
Have You Ever Seen A Thought?
As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner I work with my client's mind - mostly the subconscious.
I am familiar with the Rules of the Mind and how the mind works, but to actually be able to show my clients what thoughts look like and how we can direct change to occur, both mental and physical, is often the difference between believing and knowing that they can play an active part in their healing.
Dr Joe Dispenza is one of my favourite mentors. I just love how the work he and his team do is giving credence to the therapy modalities such as hypnotherapy and RTT. There is truly nothing woowoo about what we do. It's science, quantum physics and using the innate power of our minds to prove that you don't have to fall into a victim mentality. You can take charge. Stop being a victim believing you have no control over external events. You can direct and instruct your mind and how you react to those events
What Is RTT and How Does It Work?
If you would like to find out more about Rapid Transformational Therapy 1:1 sessions* and how I can help you, I invite you to book a free 30 minute Discovery Consultation/Call.
*Sessions are available face-to-face (Sunshine Coast) and online.
About the Workshop
Audio # 1
Heart-Brain Coherence Meditation
Listen to this supercharged meditation (guided hypnosis) every day for a minimum of 21 days to experience the full benefit. Then use it whenever you need to relax, boost your immune system and overall wellness.